Friday, March 11, 2011

The 9.0 Earthquake in Japan

To my grandchildren,

Likely you don't, won't, remember this day or you might and that may be for reasons other than the images or for the sympathetic memories of earthquakes in other places and at other times.  This morning we awoke to news of an horrific earthquake in Japan accompanied by an even more horrific tsunami which together likely killed thousands.  We watched on TV as people unable to move their cars further from the flood, stepped out to meet the wall of water.  We watched the mass of debris of every kind swept through town and farm, over every obstacle penetrate miles inland.  We saw how little notice we get of natural disaster and how pervasive and absolute it can be.  In this we saw and thought of you.

All we do and have done has been to put you in a place where you can thrive.  We can only hope we have succeeded.  We hope that you will honor our efforts by attempting the same for your grandchildren.

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